Welcome to Marios Blog

Yottie has left, before death saying:
This channel expands upon my podcast, the Delivery Manager Daily & goes into depth on all kinds of subjects from project delivery, techniques, strategy & tactics as I learn, & to help you be a better delivery manager. I work in delivery management & technology for global consultancy firms, along with running my own technology business developing software, websites & providing tech counsel for companies who need it. Use the links to view the podcast, go to the website & follow me on Twitter for more. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL to stay up to date.
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All about Lean - my talk on Lean thinking 51:55
All about Lean - my talk on Lean thinking
I wanted to capture a talk I do regularly to live audiences, as part of my Agile Lunch & Learn series. So I thought I'd record it & put it on YouTube. Don't forget to follow me on X @mariodc @thedeliverymanagerdaily along with listening to the podcast 'Delivery Manager Daily' & 'Carbon Agile'
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Episode 35 Part 2 Being a Delivery Manager & what that means 13:12
Episode 35 Part 2 Being a Delivery Manager & what that means
In this episode I talk about what being a Delivery Manager actually means, & entails. I also compare the role with a traditional 'Project Manager' & this leads into Part 2 which goes into the skills & characteristics needed to be a good DM
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Episode 35 Part 1 Being a Delivery Manager & what that means 10:25
Episode 35 Part 1 Being a Delivery Manager & what that means
In this episode I talk about what being a Delivery Manager actually means, & entails. I also compare the role with a traditional 'Project Manager' & this leads into Part 2 which goes into the skills & characteristics needed to be a good DM
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ep 34 What is Agile? 20:14
ep 34 What is Agile?
In this episode, I talk about something I talk a lot about. Outside of aspirational principles & those lofty manifesto elements, practical operational & organisational Agile is often something mis-understood & mis-sold. I talk here in a very light way about what Agile means to me.
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Ep 33 - Being a good consultant. 14:52
Ep 33 - Being a good consultant.
In this episode I talk about life as a consultant & what being a good one means. Are you a good consultant? Do you even know what the characteristics of a good consultant are? Follow the conversation on my blog, mariosblog.co.uk or listen on Spotify too!

For more, follow me on Twitter @mariodc
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How to build a community of practice in tech - Episode 32 31:27
How to build a community of practice in tech - Episode 32
In this video, I talk about building out a CoP & why you should not get too fixated with the difference between 'it' & a Centre of Excellence. I talk about what I've done to set one up within an organisation & also what you should think about if you're doing it yourself. Dont forget to listen to the audio version of Spotify, simply search for 'the Delivery Manager Daily' & please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE
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This site captures everything Iโ€™m interested in. I write about technology, business, persona brand and leveraging technology & the internet. I stream the odd video game or two (currently playing COD Warzone, F12019 and MGS 5 Phantom Pain along with A LOT of Minecraft with my Daughter Lottie).

If you want to head over to mariodecristofano.com youโ€™ll find summary links to everything else, my social channels and that type of thing. Want to go professional, then Iโ€™m on Linkedin & I also have my coaching & consultancy business mdtechnologyservices

I also work with brands, and guest post on a range of other blogs, and collaborate on posts here, on this blog. Get in touch if youโ€™re interested in working with me.